Strategies To Reduce Employees' Business Travel Expenses

The costs of business trips tend to add up quickly and unsupervised employee travel expenses can leave a huge chunk in your corporate budget. Employers who are trying to control travel costs know that making corporate travel savings is a challenge especially if you have to consider many factors into account. With a smart process in place, there are various ways to keep your expenses down without compromising on traveller safety or services.

Develop and implement a corporate travel policy
Setting out clear procedures for a proper approval process, guidelines on bookings and reservations as well as on-site spending and expenses will help your employees on business travel make decisions that stay within company policies and don't incur additional, unexpected costs.

Plan ahead
Flights and hotel prices tend to dramatically increase in price when booked close to the scheduled time so it is only wise to book these in advance to save more money.

Make savings on airline flights
Another way to reduce your corporate travel costs is by getting alerts for discounted rates and airfare promotions. You could also make arrangements with one airline to use their services for business trips to possibly receive a corporate discount on every flight.

Cut the cost of hotels
This does not mean unethically asking your employees to share one hotel room if they are on a joint or group business trip. You could always opt for less expensive hotel chains without sacrificing standards such as cleanliness and other comfort amenities.

Encourage your employees to be more productive on the road
Less taxi usage can save a lot of money and it might not hurt to make some suggestions for your employees to use less expensive public transportation and shuttle services whenever possible especially when travelling between hotels and airports.

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User Anecdotes

We've solicited a number of user anecdotes on this topic, and have hand picked some of the more interesting ones below. We feel that anecdotes can give a practical, human perspective on a topic.

"I recently found myself spending a lot of time on the road for work, attending conferences and meeting with clients in different cities. It quickly became apparent that my business travel expenses were getting out of hand. Simple things like choosing a cost-effective hotel and using public transportation instead of taxis can save a significant amount of money. Another strategy I've found helpful is booking flights well in advance and being flexible with my travel dates. This allows me to take advantage of lower fares and promotions. In addition, I've opted for virtual meetings whenever possible to minimize the need for travel altogether. This not only saves money but also valuable time that can be spent on other tasks. Overall, being mindful of my business travel expenses has allowed me to cut costs and make more efficient use of my time on the road."
David G.

"As someone who has traveled extensively for work, I can attest to the importance of reducing business travel expenses. One of the strategies I've found most helpful is to set a daily budget for meals and incidentals. This helps to keep me mindful of my spending and ensures that I don't go overboard on expensive meals. Additionally, I always look for opportunities to combine trips, either by attending multiple meetings or conferences in the same city or by scheduling a personal trip to coincide with a business one. This not only saves money on travel expenses but also maximizes the value of my time away from the office. Lastly, I've found that using a travel rewards credit card can help to offset some of the costs associated with business travel, as I can earn points or miles for every dollar spent."
Anita R.

"In my experience, one of the best ways to reduce business travel expenses is to carefully plan and research each trip. For example, I always make a point to research local transportation options and choose the most cost-effective method for getting around. This could mean taking public transit, renting a bicycle, or even walking, depending on the destination. Additionally, I try to book accommodations that are conveniently located near my meetings or conferences, so I don't need to spend a lot of money on taxis or ride-sharing services. I always make sure to pack snacks and meals for the journey, as buying food at airports and on-the-go can quickly add up. Lastly, I've discovered that being loyal to certain airlines and hotel chains can result in discounts and rewards, which in turn helps to save money on future business trips."
Mari K.

"Over the years, I have found several effective strategies to reduce my business travel expenses. One such strategy is to share accommodations with a colleague if possible, which not only cuts the cost in half but also helps to foster better working relationships. Additionally, I always take advantage of any available loyalty programs or corporate discounts, as these can lead to significant savings over time. Another useful tactic is to plan my travel itinerary in such a way that I can make the most of my time in a particular location. This might involve scheduling back-to-back meetings or setting aside time to explore the local area, thus making the trip more enjoyable and productive. By taking these steps to reduce my business travel expenses, I have been able to save my company money while still ensuring that I am making the most of my time away from the office."
Jürgen H.

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